Please do not bring large bags/backpacks to this event - they are not allowed. For security, ALL bags are subject to being searched and/or removed. This policy applies to participants and spectators alike.
Fanny packs, small bags, and hydration packs are allowed.
The use of personal music devices is not recommended at this race. To enjoy all that our race has to offer and for the safety of all participants, we encourage a headphone-free environment while participating in the event.
We believe your race experience and those around you will be greatly enhanced by leaving the headphones at home or in the car. Participating headphone-free allows for the opportunity to develop camaraderie with your fellow participants and spectators and enjoy everything the race has to offer. Plus, volunteers and spectators will be on course cheering you on as you make your way to the finish line.
Participant and spectator safety has always been, and will continue to be, a top priority for our event. Please be mindful of the other participants and respect the race personnel to ensure a safe and enjoyable race for everyone.
If you use headphones, we recommend using running headphones or having one AirPod/Ear Bud out, or using the "transparency" mode (if available) so you can be aware of your surroundings and the course.