The official course time limit for the Marathon is 6.5 hours (14:53 minute/mile pace) and 4.5 hours for the half-marathon (20:36 minute/mile pace). The course will have a rolling reopening that will be strictly enforced by the Huntington Beach Police Department and Surf City Marathon staff.
Participants will be required to pass certain points on course by a specific time, or they will have the option to either be a pedestrian and obey all traffic laws or be moved up on course by the marathon Sag Wagon.
5K: has a course time limit of 1.5 hours. Participants will need to maintain a pace of 29:00 minutes per mile in order to complete the race. Due to the nature of our event permit, if a participant falls behind the established pace time, they may be asked to join the sweep vehicle to be moved ahead on course.
There are three cut-off points on the marathon course. Please note below:
Full Marathon Cut Off #1
Mile 4.4: Edwards Street & Overlook Drive
Course Cut Off: 7:45AM (Approx 4.1 Miles Cut)
Details: Runners can no longer continue straight on Edwards St and must turn left on Overlook Drive
Full Marathon Cut Off #2
Mile 9.9: Seapoint Street & Pacific Coast Hwy
Course Cut Off: 9:07AM (Approx 4.7 Miles Cut)
Details: Runners will not be permitted to continue north on Pacific Coast Hwy and must turn left to head south
Full Marathon Cut Off #3
Mile 16.5: 14th Street Path & Pacific Coast Hwy
Course Cut Off: 10:45AM (Approx 9 Miles Cut)
Details: Runners will not be permitted to turn right on 14th Street Beach path and will need to continue south towards the finish line on Pacific Coast Hwy
Please Note: The finish line will close at 1:15PM sharp, so please pace yourself accordingly!